The price is starting with the minimum finishing

Delivery to order

Within 3 months after the conclusion of the contract.
Manufacture - Italy
Factory - Opinionсiatti
Dimensions, cm - 60 x 60 x h31cm
Stool, coffee table, made by welding small ones together metal leaves. This is how the Foliae collection projects are born, sculptural objects on the verge of art and design, which come to life thanks to the skillful work of experienced craftsmen who connect, one after another, small pieces of steel.

The Foliae collection is based precisely on the concept of combining many small leaves.

A stool and a coffee table, as well as a lamp, both wall-mounted and pendant - these decorative pieces will add a touch of poetry to any room.

Elegance in gold or silver trim, which, like the crowns of trees, gives a feeling of lightness and nobility.

Technical description